So, about me:
I'm based in the fine state of New Jersey (and. despite what many people might think, most of the state is actually quite nice- just because Newark is in New Jersey, doesn't mean New Jersey is Newark. Plus, you're right in the middle of easy access to three of the most important cities in world!), attended the New York Film Academy in 2004-2005 (experience from which I do intend to produce further projects from in the years to come), owned and operated a video game/comic book store in the Rutgers area of New Brunswick between 2007-2008 and have maintained a visible presence within fan communities online over the last 15 years.
Through the former "What's the Story?" feature at, I was fortunate enough to contribute a little to the official Star Wars canon by authoring/naming/contributing-to the backstory for three character/vehicle entries:
-UT-AT (Unstable Terrain-Artillery Transport)- a vehicle seen in Revenge of the Sith.
-Corla Metonae-an unseen extra from Revenge of the Sith, whose story bridges the films with the events of the classic Droids cartoon.
-Olana Chion-a background Jedi from Revenge of the Sith.
I'm also a longtime moderator on's Jedi Council messageboards. There, I currently manage the "Literature Forum" (the center of discussion for all stories in the Expanded Universe of SW novels, comics, games, etc), video "Games Forum" and "Live Action, Clone Wars And Classics Forum" (or LACWAC, for short- discussing all TV-related fronts for the franchise), among other secondary forums.
But, despite what some may come to believe- I'm not just about Star Wars. The works of James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, Jim Henson & J. Michael Straczynski are also dear to my heart, as well as the Stargate, Transformers (G1) and Nintendo franchises.
I am am Pop Culture Hero, born in a sea of information. I hope that my journeys help those who follow in my wake better navigate it.