-Premise: Finding an uninhabited world for the crew to take some shore leave on, once on the planet they begin seeing things from their mind, including Alice in Wonderland, WW2 Planes and a bully from Kirk's past.
-Quest Comments: Though not particularly terrible (except for the guy in the rabbit costume), I just couldn't bring myself to care about this episode. And what is with this show and Irish stereotypes? LOL!
Overall, pretty forgettable.
-Premise: Investigation of a cosmic event ends with a shuttlecraft and 7 crewmembers stranded on a planet inhabited by hostile giants.
-Quest Comments: A pretty good Spock-centric episode, though Spock's logic-based mindset is taken to almost cartoonish levels at times, which hampers the episode a good deal. I'll put it in the "Average" grouping.
Also worth noting the Commisioner's uniform looks very much like the ones eventually used on Enterprise.
(images via Memory-Alpha: The Star Trek Wiki)
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